I am a Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSC) postdoctoral fellow in mathematics at University of Oslo, Norway.
My CV is available here.
For more details on my MSC Action see here.
I am interested in noncommutative geometry and ideas involving algebraic topology, operator algebras, and group theory. For example: K-theory, homology of dynamical systems, index theory, quantum groups.
Contact info
address |
Niels Henrik Abels hus
Moltke Moes vei 35
0851 Oslo |
e-mail |
replace x with my first name (lowercase) |
Abridged vita
Tracker Odense, Paris, Rome (August-September), Lille, Delft (October), Erlangen, Rome (November), Tokyo (December), Paris (January).
Preprints & publications
- «Homology and K-theory of dynamical systems III. Beyond stably disconnected Smale spaces» (arXiv) with M. Yamashita. Preprint.
- «A geometric Elliott invariant and noncommutative rigidity of mapping tori» (arXiv) with H. Guo and H. Wang.
Journal of Functional Analysis 287-11 (2024), 110625.
- «Hofstadter-Toda spectral duality and quantum groups » (arXiv) with P. Marra and X. Sheng.
Journal of Mathematical Physics 65-7 (2024), 071903.
- «Homology and K-theory of dynamical systems IV. Further structural results on groupoid homology» (arXiv) with M. Yamashita.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2024). Online First.
- «Categorical approach to the Baum-Connes conjecture for étale groupoids» (arXiv) with C. Bönicke.
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu (2024). Online First.
- «Homology and K-theory of dynamical systems II. Smale spaces with totally disconnected transversal» (Oberwolfach, arXiv) with M. Yamashita.
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 17-3 (2023), 957–998.
- «Homology and K-theory of dynamical systems I. Torsion-free ample groupoids» (Oberwolfach, arXiv) with M. Yamashita.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 42-8 (2022), 2630–2660.
- «Index theory on the Miščenko bundle» (arXiv) with J. Kaad.
Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 62-1 (2022), 103–131.
- «A note on homology for Smale spaces» (arXiv).
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 14-3 (2020), 813–836.
- «Groups with Spanier-Whitehead duality» (Oberwolfach, arXiv) with S. Nishikawa.
Annals of K-Theory 5-3 (2020), 465–500.
Last update July 2024.